Travel Insurance Europe

Climbing in the Alps? Taking in the art trails of Barcelona?

Whatever your next European break entails, take Admiral Travel Insurance along for the ride.

Coronavirus and your cover
What's covered?
Pre-existing conditions

European Travel Insurance

With so much to see and do across Europe, it’s no wonder it’s the biggest travel destination for UK tourists.

And despite many of Europe’s most-loved tourist attractions being just a short flight or train ride from home the UK, the unexpected can still happen, so it pays to have the right cover in place should you need it.

And don’t just take it from us, the Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) recommends you buy travel insurance for every trip you take abroad, including any within Europe.

So, what do you get for your money?

European travel insurance covers you in the event of the unexpected, for things like:

  • Having to cancel or cut your trip short
  • Your personal belongings being stolen
  • The airline losing your luggage

It also protects you and your family if you need medical help – more on European travel health insurance and the EHIC/GHIC below.

Covid-19 - what our travel insurance covers

Our travel insurance now covers you for certain events related to Coronavirus (COVID-19), provided you have proof of a positive Covid-19 test and your cover is active at the time of the event.

What we cover

We provide cover for some costs related to Covid-19: please see Section 1 'emergency medical costs and repatriation' and Section 2 'cancelling or cutting short your trip' in your policy book for full details on what's covered.

We'll cover you if:

  • you were diagnosed with Covid-19 before your trip was due to start
  • a close relative died or became seriously ill as a result of Covid-19 before your trip was due to start
  • you weren't allowed to board your pre-booked outbound travel due to symptoms of Covid-19
  • an insured person or a close relative died during the trip because of Covid-19
  • you couldn't take part in an excursion due to you self-isolating after getting Covid-19

What we don’t cover

You won't be covered if:

  • you had reason to believe your trip may be cancelled, postponed or cut short when you booked it, purchased your policy or started your trip
  • any government or public authority imposes travel restrictions or quarantine on a community, location, or vessel because of Covid-19 (this includes, but is not limited to, local lockdowns, entry requirements, being denied entry and airspace closures)
  • you have to quarantine after arriving in the UK or abroad
  • the Foreign Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) change their advice to avoid ‘all travel’ or ‘all but essential travel’ to your destination because of Covid-19

For more information about how Coronavirus (COVID-19) affects your travel cover, see our FAQ page. And remember to check the policy booklet carefully before you buy to make sure our cover meets your needs.

Choose from three levels of cover





£100 £75 £50

Emergency medical treatment & repatriation (Limits up to)

10M 15M 20M

Cancellation or cutting short your trip (Limits up to)

£1.5K £3K £5K

Personal belongings (Limits up to)

£1K £2K £2.5K

Money & documents (Limits up to)

£300 £400 £500

Read the full list of benefits in the policy summary booklet.

Do I need travel insurance if I’m holidaying in Europe?

Unlike car insurance, travel insurance isn’t compulsory, and being so close to home you may be tempted to skip the cover. But you’ll want it in place if things don’t quite go to plan – luggage can get lost and people do get ill abroad.

Take France, for example, a favourite for us Brits, with 17 million of us visiting each year. It’s not just the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the yachts on St Tropez people flock to, snow-lovers flock to France for the hundreds of ski resorts on offer.

And if you were unlucky enough to break an arm while on the slopes of one of the many French ski resorts, you could be looking at costs of up to £1,000 for:

  • First responder treatment
  • Ambulance, Xrays and cast

If it’s a severe break you may need to be taken to the public hospital where you’ll be treated under the European or Global Health Insurance Card (EHIC/GHIC), which covers 80% of costs. If you've taken out the Admiral Winter Sports Travel Insurance optional upgrade, that’ll cover the rest, otherwise you’ll have to pay out of your own pocket.

Take a look at the true costs of getting ill abroad including how much hospital treatments cost across Europe and worldwide.

Do I need European Travel Insurance if I have an EHIC/GHIC?

Carrying the EHIC – sometimes called the European travel insurance card - means you can get state-level medical cover in the country you’re travelling in – if it's still in date and they accept the card. The same applies for the new Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC).

Each country’s healthcare system is different and might not include the things you’d expect at home, or even cover you at all.

In Cyprus, for example, the GHIC and EHIC are only valid in southern Cyprus. They aren’t accepted in the Republic of Cyprus (north) where the government doesn’t have effective control; it’s run by Turkey.

The GHIC and EHIC aren’t valid in Turkey at all.

In the countries where it is valid, they only cover medical emergencies. They won’t cover all medical or repatriation costs if you need to be brought home for treatment, which is why travel insurance is so important.

It’s free to get a GHIC from the NHS online so get one before setting off on your next holiday and carry it at all times.

Where does European Travel Insurance cover?

Different insurers define ‘Europe’ in different ways, which can make buying the right cover for your holiday confusing.

In Admiral’s case, we cover 50 European countries, and our policies stretch the boundaries of Europe to include places like:

  • Egypt
  • Morocco
  • Tunisia
  • Turkey

Some insurers may have a smaller definition of Europe, while others may describe their policy as covering ‘Schengen’ countries. The Schengen Area is made up of 26 countries that have abolished border controls at their mutual borders.

For other providers who don’t define Europe in this way, or if you’re planning multiple holidays spanning Europe and further afield then worldwide travel insurance could be better suited to your needs.

Admiral Travel Insurance breaks down travel into three zones:

  • Europe
  • Worldwide excluding USA, Canada, Caribbean and Mexico
  • Worldwide

Then three tiers of cover with increasing coverage and product benefits are available. You can choose between Admiral, Admiral Gold or Admiral Platinum to suit your needs best.

Do I need single or annual European Travel Insurance?

Whether you’re planning one European jaunt in a year or multiple holidays to the continent, we have the cover you need.

Our single trip insurance is best for those who are not frequent holidaymakers, and covers you for one trip for up to 365 days.

If you plan on travelling more than once throughout a year, annual European travel insurance is for you.

You’ll be covered no matter how many times you choose to travel (up to 31 days at a time, but this may be extended upon request), and could be perfect for people with a house-share across the channel or those who frequently travel.

What if I have a pre-existing condition?

A pre-existing condition is a short or long term illness or injury you have or have had before you buy travel insurance. This includes having symptoms, tests, diagnosis or medical treatment for a condition.

You can declare your pre-existing conditions during the quote process to see if we can offer cover. If you’re unsure what needs to be declared or if you're unable to find your condition on the medical conditions list, please contact us on 0333 234 9913.

Your pre-existing conditions won’t be covered unless you’ve:

  • Declared them all on your policy
  • Received written confirmation that we’ll cover your medical condition
  • Paid any additional premium in full

Policy terms and conditions apply. Please note, if you’ve had a positive diagnosis of Covid-19 and been prescribed medication, received treatment, or had a consultation with a doctor or hospital specialist for any medical condition in the past two years, this needs to be declared on your policy.

If you don’t tell us about your pre-existing conditions or give us incorrect information, your policy may be invalid, and we may refuse all or part of any claim you submit.

For a quote with us, click the green button above.

The MoneyHelper directory

If you require cover for more serious medical conditions, MoneyHelper may be able to help you find specialist travel insurance through their medical directory.

If you wish to get in touch with them you can call them on 0800 138 7777 or find them online. (Monday to Friday 8:00-18:00, closed on Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays.)

Your questions answered

Can I travel anywhere in Europe?

You won’t be covered if you travel to a country which the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) has advised ‘against all travel’ or ‘against all but essential travel’. 

Can I buy travel insurance to Europe from the UK?

Yes - you must buy travel insurance while you're still in the UK; you can’t take out Admiral cover one you’ve gone through Customs. 

Will my travel insurance cover skiing or snowboarding in Europe?

If you’re planning a ski or snowboarding trip to any of Europe’s spectacular mountain resorts, you’ll need to add our Winter Sports upgrade onto your policy to be covered for the trip. Without it, your policy won’t be valid.

Is my European cruise covered by my travel insurance?

To be covered for a cruise trip, you must add our cruise cover upgrade. Without it your policy won't be valid.

What should I do if I have a medical emergency, or if I have to cut my trip short?

In case of a serious medical emergency during your trip, please call our 24-hour Medical Travel Assistance Helpline on +44 (0)292 010 7777 before going into hospital or incurring medical expenses over £500, so we can help you.

For non-medical emergency claims:

  • For policies renewed before 5 May 2020, call our claims team on 01243 218 437. Our lines are open Monday to Friday 8:00-20:00 and Saturday 9:00-16:00
  • For policies bought or renewed after 5 May 2020, call our claims team on 0333 234 9914. Our lines are open Monday to Friday only 9:00-17:00

Is Turkey in Europe?

While Turkey straddles eastern Europe and Asia, Admiral Travel Insurance classes Turkey as Europe, so our European cover on single-trip or annual cover is what you need.

Is Iceland in Europe?

When buying Admiral Travel Insurance, Iceland is classed as Europe. The island is located between north America and mainland Europe.  Interestingly, Reykjavik is both the northern-most and western-most capital city in Europe.  

Is Cyprus in Europe?

For travel insurance purposes, Cyprus is classed as in Europe by Admiral Travel Insurance. If you’re travelling to Cyprus, it’s important to be aware of the north/south divide in the country.

The north is run by Turkey and accepts the Turkish lira for currency. Whereas the south is mainly inhabited by Greek Cypriots and accepts the Euro.

Does the GHIC/EHIC cover Cyprus?

Neither the GHIC nor the EHIC are valid in the Republic of Cyprus (northern Cyprus) but they're accepted in the south. If you’re travelling to Cyprus it’s important to have insurance in place should you need medical attention.

Is Russia in Europe or Asia?

Russia, west of the Urals, is covered by Admiral’s European travel insurance. The Ural Mountains approximately run from north to south in western Russia and forms part of the conventional boundary between the European and Asian continents.

You’ll need a visa to travel to Russia and it’s best to apply in plenty of time. For more information visit the Russian Embassy’s website.

Am I covered if my flights are disrupted because of Brexit?

You’ll be covered if there’s any disruption to your flights (in line with current cover and exclusions) if you already have travel cover or have booked a trip on your annual policy.

If there’s an official warning from the Government or airlines that suggests flights are likely to be disrupted, customers buying new policies may not be covered.

I don’t want to travel because of Brexit – can I cancel my trip?

If you decide you don’t want to travel because of Brexit and end up cancelling your trip, you won’t be able to claim. Not wanting to travel isn’t a valid cancellation reason for claiming.

Will I need a visa to travel to the EU after Brexit?

In the future, it's possible UK citizens will need a travel permit as part of the European Travel Information and Authorisation Scheme (ETIAS). 

If you can’t go on your trip because you don’t have the correct visa or permit, you won’t be able to claim on your cover.

How long will I need on my passport after Brexit?

The Government recommends UK travellers have at least six months left on their passports from the date they arrive in an EU country when travelling after 29 March 2019. Check the validity of your passport online with this handy tool.

If you can’t go on your trip as you don’t have enough time left on your passport (or you didn’t renew it in time), you won’t be able to make a claim.

Can I still use my EHIC card after Brexit?

If your EHIC is still in date, you can use it when you travel. Otherwise you’ll need to apply for the new Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC).

If you have a medical emergency while you're abroad, you're injured, fall ill, or have to cut your trip short please call our 24-hour Medical Travel Assistance Helpline on +44 (0)292 010 7777.

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Getting the most out of your trip

Going anywhere nice?

Off to one of the destinations below? Take a look at our guides for some hints and tips on what you need to remember.

Travel insurance that suits you

Whether you're travelling solo, with your family, or with a little one on the way, read our guides to make sure our cover is right for you.

Travel Insurance upgrades

Whether you want the adrenaline rush of a skiing holiday, or fancy taking to the seas on a cruise, you'll need to add extra cover to your policy.
