Contact us: Car Insurance

Contact us: Car Insurance

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In MyAccount you can:

  • Make changes to your policy - vehicles, addresses and drivers
  • View documents
  • Manage payment details

This is the recommended process for managing your policy.

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Save money with MyAccount

Easily make changes to your policy in MyAccount and save money with reduced admin fees. (excludes cancellations & number plate changes).

Phone admin fee = £25.00
MyAccount fee only £9.50

See full details of our charges and fees.

Extra support?

Webchat and Email

Please select the relevant department below for online options to discuss your existing policy, make changes, and manage payments.

Please be aware we are unable to take card details or card payments on Webchat or Email. Please go to MyAccount or give us a call.

Service Update – Email responses are over 72hrs. Call wait times are up to an hour due to current demand. Please visit MyAccount or webchat for a quicker response.

Extra support?

Save money with MyAccount

Easily make changes to your policy in MyAccount and save money with reduced admin fees. (excludes cancellations & number plate changes).

Phone admin fee = £25.00
MyAccount fee only £9.50

See full details of our charges and fees.

Log in to my account Register for my account

Extra support?

Existing Customers

Add a car, home, van or landlord to your policy with MultiCover

Frequently asked questions



How much is it to cancel my insurance policy?

If you decide to cancel your policy in the first 14 days of cover there will be an administration charge to cover the costs of setting up your policy. After 14 days you will be charged on a daily pro rata basis for the time you have had on cover, plus an administration charge, as long as you haven't made a claim. We will also refund any remaining premium. Information about our administration charges can be found in ‘Your agreement with EUI Ltd’ which is available in the Documents tab of MyAccount.

Who can cancel a motor policy?

Single Car – Only the policyholder can cancel the policy.

MultiCar – The policyholder of each vehicle can remove their own vehicle from the policy, or cancel the entire policy. The administrator can remove any vehicle and cancel the policy.



Who is covered to drive my vehicle?

Only named drivers on your Certificate of Motor Insurance are covered to drive your vehicle. You can easily add a driver to your policy, permanently or temporarily, within the Make a Change section in MyAccount. Only the administrator of a MultiCar policy can add a driver in MyAccount, additional policy holders would need to contact us to make this change.

How many drivers can I have on my policy?

Up to 6 drivers (including the policy holder) can be insured on one vehicle at a time. You can add a named driver to your policy or remove one in the Make a Change section of MyAccount 

I’m using my car to take my driving test, am I covered?

You’re covered to use your car to sit your driving test. However, you’ll need to make sure anyone else who needs to use the car, including the instructor, is insured to drive. Good luck for your test!

Can I supervise a learner driver?

You need to be at least 21 years old and hold a full driving licence for at least 3 years for the same type of vehicle, as well as the correct insurance to do this. Please check the DVLA website for further information.

Can I use my car for deliveries?

We do not provide cover for cars to be used for delivery purposes, unless it is on a voluntary basis (e.g. NHS volunteers). You can check what is covered on your Certificate of Motor Insurance which is available in MyAccount. If you’ve changed the way you’re using your vehicle due to the impact of COVID, then please contact us to update your details.

Do I need to request a Green Card?

The UK government has confirmed that Green Cards are no longer required to drive in:

  • Countries in the European Union (EU)
  • Countries in the European Economic Area (EEA)
  • Andorra
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • Serbia
  • Switzerland

Admiral does not supply Green Cards for any other country. Essential tier customers will need extra cover to drive abroad.

Does my breakdown cover apply abroad?

If you have purchased European Breakdown Cover, your Breakdown cover applies within our European territorial limits. Check our policy booklet for more details. You can see what level of cover you have purchased on your insurance certificate, which can be found in the documents section of MyAccount.

Does my motor policy include windscreen cover?

Windscreen cover is included as standard with comprehensive policies (excluding Essential tier). You may have included this as an optional extra on other levels of cover.
Please see your ‘Policy Schedule – Motor policy’ within the Documents section of MyAccount to check your cover and  the applicable excess.

Further information on windscreen cover can be found in your policy booklet.

How do I make a windscreen damage claim?

If you have a fully comprehensive policy (excluding Essential tier) or have added this as an optional extra, you can contact our glass supplier to arrange an appointment. You can find their details here.

Please see your ‘Policy Schedule – Motor policy’ within the Documents section of MyAccount for the applicable excess.

Can I drive after having a medical procedure or operation?

You only need to tell us of any medical conditions where you've notified the DVLA and they have added restrictions on your licence. If no restrictions have been put on your licence then you don't need to notify us.

I'm not using my vehicle so can I suspend my insurance?

It's not possible to suspend car insurance  but we can cancel your insurance if it's no longer required. Although you may be using your vehicle less at the moment, depending on your level of cover, your insurance still covers you if your vehicle is stolen or if your vehicle suffers accidental damage. From the date of cancellation you’ll have 90 days or up to 33 days before your original renewal date to reactivate your policy. You’ll have the cancellation fee refunded and you’ll keep your No Claims Bonus for the year, providing no claim has been made. 

As it’s a legal requirement, if you cancel your insurance with us please make sure you either look for an alternative policy that better suits your needs at this time, or declare your vehicle off road (SORN). You won’t need insurance if your vehicle is SORN.

Am I covered for towing?

Yes, however the towed item is only covered for damage to third parties (other vehicles). Any damage to the item being towed, or its contents, aren’t covered. Cover also only applies while the item's attached to the vehicle and as long as you hold the correct driving licence entitlement which allows you to tow.

Will you cover a car I'm using temporarily?

We may be able to insure a car for you temporarily. Simply select 'Make a Change' in MyAccount and select Vehicle, Add Temporary Vehicle.

Please note, there will be a charge for putting a temporary car on your policy.

Am I insured to drive abroad?

Your policy covers you as described in your current Certificate of Motor Insurance for events occurring in: 

  • Great Britain, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and Channel Islands 
  • Any other country which is a member of the European Union 
  • Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Croatia, Andorra and Lichtenstein

The car is also covered while being transported by air, sea or rail between these countries. Your policy automatically includes a International Motor Insurance Certificate (on your current Certificate of Motor Insurance) for a maximum of 30 consecutive days in any one trip, and up to a maximum of 90 days in a year.

The International Motor Insurance Certificate is only valid for the above named countries. You don't need to call us if you are taking your car to any of these countries, but you do need to take your Certificate of Motor Insurance.

If you want to drive in any country not in the list above, please call us and we may be able to issue you with a Green Card, which you'll need to take together with your Certificate of Motor Insurance. Please note, the authorities in these countries will not accept photocopies of Green Cards as evidence of minimum insurance.

If you do need a Green Card, please contact us as soon as possible to allow plenty of time for your Green Card to arrive in the post.

If you need to travel to Andorra please call our Customer Service Department.

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How do I get a copy of my Certificate of Motor Insurance?

To view, download and print a copy of your Certificate of Motor Insurance follow these simple steps within MyAccount:

Select Documents and then select which vehicle you would like to view the documents for.

You’ll see a list of your most recent documents, under the ‘Document Name’ column, look for Certificate of Motor Insurance.

You can view the document by clicking the download symbol (this can be found under the date column next to each document), your document will open as a PDF.

I’ve made a change for a future date, where are my documents?

You can find documents relating to a future change under the ‘Pending’ tab in the Documents section of MyAccount. You’ll see ‘Active’, ‘Pending’ and possibly ‘Expired’ under the Document name column.

Where is my proof of No Claims Bonus?

Your proof of No Claims Bonus is shown in your Proposal Confirmation. This can be found in the documents section in MyAccount.

You can view the document by clicking the download symbol (this can be found under the date column next to each document).

How do I download my documents?

Go to the Documents section in MyAccount and select which vehicle or property you’d like to view.

You’ll see a list of your most recent documents. You can view any document by clicking the download symbol (this can be found under the date column next to each document). Your documents will open as a PDF.

Where can I find my Policy Books including Policy Upgrades?

You can find your policy books, including policy upgrades by clicking here, please select your product and then policy books.

Why do my documents show as pending?

If you see pending, then the document relates to a change being made for a future date.

You may see one of three document options:

Active – Documents relating to cover that’s in place now.

Pending – Documents relating to cover for a future date.

Expired – Documents relating to cover that's ended.

Can I change how I receive my documents?

You can change the way you receive your documents at any time by clicking on settings within MyAccount - Document Delivery Preference: Online -select edit and Switch to print documents

What if the details on my policy documents are wrong?

Most changes can be made within MyAccount, please select Make a Change within MyAccount to see the available options.

How long does it take for my documents to appear?

Documents take upto 24 hours to appear in the Documents section of MyAccount.  

Please note, if you make a change for a future date, you’ll need to then check pending documents. 

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No Claims Bonus

Do I need to complete a full year to earn my No Claims Bonus?

For a standard policy, you'll need to complete your full policy term without making a fault claim. If you choose to cancel before the year is up, your No Claims Bonus will remain as it was at the start of the policy year.

If you have selected a 10-month policy term you will gain a year’s No Claims Bonus after completing the 10 months without making a fault claim.  If you add an additional vehicle to your policy mid term, it only needs to be covered for 90 days to be eligible for a full years worth of no claims bonus.

Will my No Claims Bonus be affected if a claim is made?

If a policyholder covered by your policy makes a claim or a claim is made against them, only they are affected. The No Claims Bonus of any other policyholders covered by the same policy won't be affected.

How do I provide proof of No Claims Bonus?

You only need to send this to us if we have requested it. If you need to send us proof of your No Claims Bonus you can do so online here.

How do I protect my No Claims Bonus?

Protected No Claim Bonus (NCB) is an optional extra you can add to your car insurance. It means that any NCB you've built up is protected –this allows you to make up to two fault claims before your NCB entitlement is reduced.

Protected or guaranteed NCB doesn’t protect the overall price of your insurance and the price may increase after an accident, even if you weren’t at fault. More information can be found in your policy booklet.

To qualify for this optional extra, you need to have earned four or more years’ NCB and be over 21 years of age.

To add protection to your NCB then please contact us.

Does a windscreen claim affect my No Claims Bonus?

Payments made for windscreen damage will not affect your No Claims Bonus, it may however affect your renewal price.

Can I use my no claims discount on two cars?

No Claims Bonus (NCB) or No Claims Discount applies to a single car so can't be applied to another car on your multi car policy; each car on the policy earns its own NCB. If you sell a car, you can transfer its NCB over to a new vehicle (if applicable).

When will I get my No Claims Bonus proof?

Your No Claims Bonus proof can be found in your renewal pack, you'll find it on the page titled 'Motor Renewal Confirmation (Proof of No Claims Bonus)'.

If you are an online customer you can view this document by signing in or registering to your account.

If you receive your documents in the post then this document would have been sent when taking out, changing or renewing your policy.

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One of my policies isn't showing

You must be a Policyholder of the chosen vehicle or policy Administrator to view the details and documents of a policy; named drivers do not have access to MyAccount.

I’m a Telematics customer, where can I find my dashboard?

Telematics customers can access and view their driving dashboard by selecting the ‘Telematics Dashboard’ button next to ‘Your Cover Details’ on the homepage of MyAccount. You may need to first select the relevant policy or vehicle to view 'Your Cover Details'.

You can only view your telematics dashboard once your policy has started and access will cease when the policy expires or is cancelled. Please note that only the Policyholder of the telematics policy is able to view the dashboard.

Is MultiCar Insurance for me?

If you have multiple private cars including camper vans or a classic car (not company or commercial), then it could save you money. Read our guide to find out more about MultiCar.

Why do you need my driving licence details?

Since 8 June 2015, the paper counterpart to the photocard driving licence isn't valid and is no longer issued by DVLA.

In order to replace the paper counterpart the DVLA has created My Licence and Share my Licence, where you can view and share your driving information. We require this information in order to validate the information we hold for you.

If we have requested this information from you please make sure you have included the following pages:

Your details
Vehicles you can drive
Penalties and disqualifications

Alternatively, you can click the Share your licence information tab and select Create a code. This code is valid for 21 days.

What should I do if I've had a motoring conviction during the past year?

If you have had any of the following: 

  • A motoring conviction 
  • Penalty points 
  • A disqualification 
  • A ban 
  • A driver awareness course

Please contact us.

What should I do if I've modified my car?

Looking to make a change or receive a quote? Simply select 'Make a Change' in MyAccount and select Vehicle, Add Modification. Available 24/7.

Any quotes can be retrieved within 30 days if you're not ready to make the change yet.

What does policy validation mean?

Whenever you buy an insurance policy, we take steps to ensure we know the cover we are providing is right for you so we can support you when you need us, for example, if you have to make a claim and to combat any fraudulent activity.

To do this, we may contact you to validate some of your details at any time after you have bought your insurance, and we hope that you'll be able to help us resolve any enquiries quickly.

Please remember it is your responsibility to check you have answered every question we ask honestly and accurately before buying your policy.

Why do we validate our Insurance policies?

  • By validating insurance policies, we know we are providing you the fairest price for your insurance, and that information we hold is correct. This also helps us in our continued effort to combat fraud and ensure that your policy is unaffected. We recognize that mistakes happen, so by validating policies we ensure a genuine oversight doesn't become a problem if you need to make a claim.

How we will validate your policy details?

  • As an insurer we may check your details against databases available to the insurance industry, online quotations and any past or present policies within the Admiral group. We may also ask you to provide documentation to validate the information we hold.

What action will we take?

  • Our validations teams are here to help and make sure your policy is correct. In cases where we have to make a correction to your policy as a result of the validation process there may be an additional premium to pay as well as our administration fee. In certain cases we may be unable to continue the policy or had we known the correct information, would not have accepted the policy. In these cases the policy may be cancelled or in more serious cases declared void and of no effect since its inception.

Are there any costs involved?

  • If your policy is voided or cancelled please be aware charges may apply, If a change is made following a validation because of different information, we will charge an administration fee and any additional premium that may be applicable. You can find these charges on our website under existing customers, Legal information, and your agreement with EUI limited.
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How do I change my card payment details?

You can change these in the Payments section of MyAccount.

Click on Payment and then ‘Update payment information’ (which can be found under your card details), follow the steps and enter the required information.

You’ll get a message to tell you if the change is successful.

My Direct Debit payment hasn’t come out of my bank account, why?

Direct Debit payments can take 7 to 10 days to clear and show on your bank account, weekends and bank holidays will also delay this.

Your payment will be taken on or after your agreed date so please leave funds available. 

How do I change my Direct Debit bank account details?

Please contact us to change your Direct Debit bank account details. 

When are my Direct Debits due?

You can see your chosen payment date in the payments section of MyAccount. In here you can also see your bank account information and payment schedule.

How long does my Direct Debit take to set up?

If you’ve recently set up your policy using Direct Debit or changed your Direct Debit details, it can take up to 10 days to be fully set up. Once your mandate is valid, we’ll apply for any money due. Your payment will be taken on or after your agreed date so please leave funds available. You can see more information about your payment date and amounts within MyAccount.

I've changed my card, I pay by Direct Debit, do I need to let you know?

You only need to let us know if your sort code and account number have changed. 

Can I change my Direct Debit date?

Please contact us to change the date your Direct Debit payment is taken.

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When does my policy renew?

The renewal date for your policy can be found on your documents, or in the cover details available on the summary page in MyAccount, just select the policy to see the information.

I've had a claim. How will it affect my renewal premium?

If we already know about the claim before we post your renewal pack, your No Claims Bonus entitlement will have already been amended and your renewal premium revised to take the claim into account.

If you make a claim and we've already posted your renewal pack, we will have to amend your No Claims Bonus entitlement and revise your premium. We will let you know what your new premium is as soon as you notify us about the claim.

Will my premium change at renewal?

Your renewal premium changes every year. Rates may go up or down over the next 12 months but if your information hasn't changed, it’ll never be more than what you’d be quoted as a new customer.  

We’ll let you know your new premium before your renewal, so you’ll have the chance to shop around.

What should I do if I don't want to renew my policy?

We hope that won't be the case, but if you don't want to renew your policy, please contact us.

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Most common

How do I make a change to my policy?

Looking to make a change or receive a quote? Simply select 'Make a Change' in MyAccount available 24/7.

Any quotes can be retrieved within 30 days if you're not ready to make the change yet.

Can I drive other cars?

Your Certificate of Motor Insurance says whether you can drive other cars under your policy with Third Party Cover. Please check your policy booklet to see when this cover can't be used. You can find this and your Certificate of Insurance in the Documents section of MyAccount.

I’m changing my vehicle, am I covered to drive to pick up the new vehicle?

Provided you’ve let us know about the new vehicle, then you don't need to tell us what time the change will take place. On the day of the changeover, you’re covered in your old vehicle until you step into your new vehicle and start the engine - this can be anytime on the date you have made us aware you are changing the car. 

Where’s my refund?

Any refund will be returned to the card or bank account you've used to pay for this policy term. Refunds will take a minimum of three working days to process and may take up to 10 days to appear on your bank statement. Refunds from MultiCar policy cancellations can take longer if we've had to wait for authorisation from all policyholders. 

If you have been waiting for your refund for more than 10 working days:

Contact your bank directly for information about a Direct Debit refund. For Visa and Mastercard Credit / Debit card refunds you should contact us and we can give you a reference number for your card issuer to trace the refund for you.

American Express customers should contact the card provider directly for refund updates.

Where are my documents?

Your documents will be available to view and print in MyAccount within 24 hours of your policy being set up or making a change.

Please allow three to five working days if you’ve chosen to get your documents through the post. This could take longer over bank holidays. 

When will I receive my renewal quote?

We aim to get your renewal quote to you at least 17 days before your renewal date through your contact preference. 

E-mail customers will be sent a reminder e-mail, and the documents will be available to view online in MyAccount.

Will my policy automatically renew?

All of our policies are set to automatically renew unless you tell us otherwise. You can opt out of automatic renewal at any time during the policy term, free of charge.

Our Customer Service department will be able to help you any time after your policy inception, but if you have received your renewal invitation and are looking to cancel your renewal, please speak to our Renewals Department. Click here to see the various ways of contacting us.

If you wish to check your documents and your renewal preference, you can find these in MyAccount

How many cars can I add to a multicar policy?

You can add an unlimited number of vehicles to your MultiCar and MultiCover policy. Simply select 'Add to Policy' in MyAccount to get a quote and add a car to your policy.

How do I cancel my insurance?

We're sorry you want to leave us, but if you’d like to cancel your policy please contact us. 

If you’re cancelling a motor policy because you’ve bought a new vehicle and would like to insure it with us, you can simply change your vehicle in the Make a Change section of MyAccount. 

Can I pay off my insurance early?

If you pay by direct debit but would like to pay off the remainder of your instalments then please contact us.

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Extra Support



Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be very difficult. As well as the emotional upheaval of coping with a death, you may have financial matters to take care of.

If you’ve just lost a loved one who had, or was named on, an Admiral insurance policy, you can let us know by filling out our online form or alternatively use our contact us page.

Trusted Contact / Authorised Caller

In certain situations, such as if you’re not a fluent English speaker, you may need to set up an authorised caller who can deal with your insurance policy for you. You can choose what access this person has and what they can do on your behalf, and you can cancel it at any time. You must not pay the person for this service and it’ll still be your responsibility to make sure all policy details are up to date and accurate. All policy documents will still be sent to the policy administrator.

You can contact us to set up an authorised caller. Alternatively you can write to us at Admiral Group, David St, Cardiff CF10 2EH or use the additional support webform to tell us about your needs.

Please note, an authorised caller can only be added by a current policyholder or policy administrator.

Power of attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document that lets a person (the ‘donor’) appoint one or more others (known as ‘attorneys’) to help them make decisions or to make them on their behalf. You may choose to do this if your health or circumstances change.

When we receive the power of attorney document, we’ll contact the attorney to let them know we’ve received it and the policy has been updated. We’ll also write to the policyholder confirming the attorney can deal with the policy on their behalf.

Please send power of attorney documents with your policy number to Admiral Group, David St, Cardiff CF10 2EH.

Citizens Advice or a solicitor can help set up the power of attorney and make sure you have the documents we need. If you have any further queries about adding a power of attorney to your policy please send us an email or contact us.


Health issues can affect us at any stage of our lives. If you feel you need additional support with your insurance policy due to a health concern, please contact us to see how we can help.

Alternatively you can use our additional support webform.

Money worries

If you're struggling with your finances, or the increased cost of living, we’ll do our best to help you. Please contact us to discuss how we can support. You can also contact us using our additional support webform.

You may find it useful to seek independent advice if you're struggling with your finances.

Please contact us if you have any concerns.

Extra Support

Please let us know if you have any support needs or accessibility requirements that we should be aware of when servicing your policy. For example, if you have experienced a significant life event or your personal circumstances mean that you need extra support from Admiral.

You can do this by using our additional support webform.
