Around 50% of adults in the UK have a pet, but finding a rental property that welcomes your furry friends has historically been tricky.
The proposed Renters’ Rights Bill will make it law for landlords and letting agents to consider pet requests, and they can’t unreasonably refuse the request.
Until the Bill is law, read on to discover how to find a pet-friendly rented home.
How to find a pet-friendly landlord
If the contract explicitly states, “no pets”, we recommend avoiding that property to avoid any consequences such as eviction and fines.
Use filters on property websites like Zoopla and Moving Soon to search for properties in your area that allow pets.
Alternatively, you can approach private landlords on websites such as OpenRent, or search classified websites like Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace.
Can landlords refuse pets?
Currently, landlords can refuse your rental application if you have a pet.
The Renters’ Rights Bill, which was introduced on the 11th of September 2024 but is yet to be passed, will hopefully change it by stopping landlords refusing pets without a valid reason.
It will also give landlords the right to request you get the right insurance to protect their property against pet damage.
However, until the new legislation is approved, we don’t know the impact it’ll have on renters looking for homes. And ultimately, it’s a landlords’ decision as to what rules they set when letting out their property.
For example, flat dwellers may be told that having a pet in a small space is unreasonable.
How to improve your chances of success
Creating a pet CV is an increasingly popular way to convince landlords to welcome your pet.
Include your pet’s:
- age
- vaccine information
- allergies
- record of obedience training or behavioural classes
References from previous landlords about your pet may also help to convince your new landlord that your pet has lived in rental properties without any issues.
Can landlords charge higher rent for pets?
In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, landlords can request an additional pet deposit to cover against potential pet-related damage.
This is protected by a tenancy deposit scheme, and you should get it back if there’s no damage at the end of your tenancy.
In England, the Tenant Fees Act 2019 means deposits are capped and landlords can’t request higher tenancy deposits.
Professional cleaning services are also banned under this law, so you can’t be expected to pay for a de-fleaing treatment.
They can, however, charge extra rent for having a pet and you must return the property in the same condition as at the start of your tenancy.
Moving in with your pet
Once you’ve found a pet-friendly property, here are a few things to do to prepare for your move:
- Update your pet’s ID tag or microchip before moving so you can be contacted if your pet goes missing.
- Keep your cat indoors to avoid looking for them because they’ve wandered off.
- Ask a friend or family member to look after your pet on moving day so you can move your pet in on a quieter, less hectic day and not stressful for them.
- Keep your pet in one room with familiar items like their toys, water bowl, and bed to reduce stress and encourage them to settle in.