Press Office

Treegonometry: The equation for a perfectly decorated Christmas tree

Bauble Boffin calculates the optimum bauble-light ratio to help eager Brits putting up their trees before 1st December

  • New research reveals the first week of December is the most popular time to decorate, with one in five Brits trimming up for Christmas before 1st December
  • Settled once and for all! Over a third (37%) of us have argued over decorating the tree
  • Do you really need any more baubles? The average annual spend on Christmas decorations in the UK is £135.81
  • One in four (27%) home insurance incidents linked to decorating for Christmas were caused by cumbersome Christmas trees damaging TVs

As one in five eager Brits begin trimming their trees before 1st December, Admiral home insurance has worked with a mathematical genius at Cardiff University to develop an equation for a perfectly decorated Christmas tree.

The solution, in the form of an online calculator, is designed to settle family tree-trimming arguments had by over a third of us (37%) and to help people decide whether they really need to fork out an average of £135.81 on additional baubles and lights.

Furthermore, purchasing the wrong size tree can be a costly mistake, as Admiral reveals that more than a quarter (27%) of incidents related to Christmas trees and decorations reported to it in the last two years involved damaged TVs from positioning the festive fir.

The calculator, developed by Admiral and creative mathematician, factors in the height and shape of your tree, as well as the size of your baubles and preferences around how full you like your tree.

It underpins a new investigation revealing the latest insights and regional trends into the nation’s Christmas decorating habits, including when we choose to start decking our halls, how much we spend, decorating-related claims and disasters and the age-old debate about fake or real Christmas trees.