Press Office

The cost of doggy day care

Admiral Pet Insurance reveals the cheapest and most expensive cities around the UK

  • UK’s 12 million dogs at risk of post lockdown separation anxiety as Brits return to the workplace
  • Admiral calculates the average cost of doggy day care is £3,456 per year
  • With the cost of dog walker at £1,774 per year
  • Admiral has teamed up with dog behaviour expert, Leon Towers to offer advice for new dog owners returning to the office

As more UK workers return to the workplace, many dog owners are faced with the prospect of leaving their canine companions alone for the first time since the start of the pandemic. This worry is increased by the potentially high costs for doggy day care professionals to make sure their faithful pets are not home alone all day.

Admiral Pet Insurance  calculated that booking a dog into doggy day care could cost owners up to £3,456 per year. This breaks down to £288 per month, based on a worker going to the workplace three days a week, as per the popular new hybrid model.

It’s estimated that 3.2 million households purchased a new pet during lockdown last year, bringing the total of dogs in the UK to a massive 12 million1. But as lockdown measures continue to ease, new dog owners will be facing not only separation anxiety, but the additional worry of the cost of doggy day care and dog walkers to keep their pets well looked after and occupied.
