Press Office

CAREFUL AT THE CROSSING - Two pedestrian casualties reported every hour on British roads

Is confusion over pedestrian crossings causing accidents?

Pedestrian Crossing button that says WAIT for people to cross the road
  • Pedestrians make up a quarter of those killed on UK roads with figures up 30% YoY
  • Latest figures show 19,039 pedestrian casualties were reported on UK roads between 2021 and 2022–more than 2 an hour on average
  • Over 6,000 drivers have penalty points for breaking crossing rules
  • WATCH OUR CROSSING CAM:  Drivers and pedestrians putting themselves and others at risk on UK roads
  • Only a third of people have heard of the Hierarchy of Road Users

Admiral Car Insurance has revealed the dangers facing pedestrians after the latest provisional Government figures show more than 16 people are killed or seriously injured on UK Roads every day.

The insurer’s research is highlighting the lack of understanding on the different types of pedestrian crossings on our roads, with only 9% of those surveyed able to identify a puffin crossing correctly, and more than half (57%) unable to identify a pelican crossing.

According to the latest provisional figures from the Department for Transport (DfT), 6,161 pedestrians were killed or seriously injured on UK roads between July 2021 – June 2022 - a rise of over 30% compared to the previous year. In total, over 19,000 pedestrian casualties were recorded across the UK with this figure including those who are killed, seriously injured, or slightly injured – more than 2 every hour.

Last year, the Hierarchy of Road users was added to the Highway Code in a bid to make UK roads safer for all road users, with the structure establishing pedestrians as the most vulnerable due to the risk they face if they are involved in an incident. But a year on from its introduction, Admiral’s research reveals only a third (35%) of those surveyed have heard of the guidance. While awareness is slightly better among younger people (41%), just 8% of over 65s are aware of it.

The DfT’s figures also highlight the increased risk facing pedestrians, with the group revealed to be the second-most at risk of death or serious injury after car occupants. In fact, the latest data reveals the number of pedestrians killed or seriously injured on British roads increased more than any other road user group, up by 30% compared to the previous year. Worryingly, the number of child casualties is also up by 13%. By comparison, the number of pedal cyclists increased by 5% over the same timeframe.

Total number of drivers who currently have entitlement to drive in Great Britain (GB) and have offence code PC10, PC20 or PC30 added to their driving licence. DVLA data correct as of 24 December 2022. The DVLA’s driver database changes constantly as information that updates the individual drivers’ records is received . This figure is a snapshot of the state of the record at the time of the request, with the most recent scan at the time of the request being 24 December 2022