Quirky days out for the whole family

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Have a look through our list to see if we've stumbled across your idea of a perfect family day out

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With summer just around the corner, now's the time to start thinking/panicking about how to keep the family entertained over the coming months.

Things like a trip to a theme park or a day at the seaside are both obvious choices, but then that probably means you've done them countless times before. So why not surprise the kids with something off our list of unusual days out this summer?

Some of these ideas may not seem like regular choices for family days out, but then sometimes it's the things which are less than ordinary which provide the most entertainment and the best memories.

Have a look through our list to see if we've stumbled across your idea of a perfect family day out.

Hooper's World Bogsnorkelling Championships - Llanwrtyd Wells, Mid Wales

Hooper's World Bogsnorkelling Championships

Yes you did read that right; Bogsnorkelling... in Wales.

It's an annual event where competitors must complete two consecutive 60 yard lengths of water filled trenches cut through a peat bog.

They must wear a snorkel and flippers while doing so and can't use a regular swimming stroke to complete the course but must rely on flipper power alone.

If you fancy giving it a go yourself you can enter up to seven days before the event, if you'd rather watch from the sidelines then you can enjoy live music, food stalls and entertainment.

More information: www.green-events.co.uk

World Black Pudding Throwing Championships - Ramsbottom, Lancashire

World Black Pudding Throwing Championships

The ancient feud between Lancashire and Yorkshire is well known, but if you think the war of the roses was the last of it, you'd be wrong. Every year tempers flare once more and the old grudge rears its ugly head as competitors from each county gather together to face the old enemy.

However, it's nothing to worry about, rather than launching spears at one another they now favour something a little more edible, the humble Black Pudding.

Competitors are given three turns at knocking as many Yorkshire Puddings as possible off a 20-foot high plinth using only an underarm throw and a black pudding. What better spectacle to watch during a day out with the kids?

If you are a fan of the black stuff, or if you'd like the children to try it for the first time, then you will be able to tuck into some on the day.

More information: www.visitengland.com/experience/september-events-go-world-black-pudding-throwing-championships

The Crab Fair - Egremont, West Cumbria

It's one of the oldest fairs in the world, established in 1267 in Egremont in Cumbria, The Crab Fair began as a way of celebrating the completion of harvesting for another year by the Lord of Egremont Manor who would give crab apples to his servants.

The highlight of the festival is the World Championship of gurning which is open to competitors of all ages. Other events include live music, sporting and equestrian events and street stalls.

More information: www.egremontcrabfair.com

Gnome Magic - Colchester, Essex

Gnome Magic - Colchester, Essex

Love them or hate them, gnomes do have a bit of a cheeky charm about them and can put smile on the face of even the toughest garden critic (as long as they aren't in their garden of course).

Imagine what 800 gnomes grinning from the shrubbery would look like, we think the kids would love it so why not take them on a trip to Gnome Magic in Colchester for an unusual day out?

With gnomes galore, a tea room and gnome painting, it's probably unlike anything you've done before so go pay them a visit.

More information: www.gnomemagic.co.uk

World Conker Championships - Northamptonshire

World Conker Championships - Northamptonshire

It's a childhood favourite, at some point or another you'll have taken part in a game of conkers in the school playground. Everyone had their own special techniques and there were plenty of tricks to supposedly get you the strongest conker around; soaking it in vinegar or baking it in the oven and varnishing it ring any bells?

We may have all known who the playground conker champion was but do you know who the World Conker Champion is?

Bringing your own vinegar-soaked conker is not an option in the World Championships as all competitors are supplied with a fresh one at the start of play. The game of conkers is serious business at the World Championships; this arena is certainly not a playground.

If you're keen to see some really skilled competitors in action then head to Northamptonshire in October for a bit of a different family afternoon out.

More information: www.worldconkerchampionships.com