Pet Insurance

Lifetime cover from as little as £7.36 per month

10% of 2531 direct customers paid £7.36 or less per pet for our Blue level of cover July 2022 - May 2023.

Free 24hr vet support

Speak to a qualified PawSquad vet any time over live chat, video or voice call

Five star rated cover

Our Gold and Platinum Lifetime cover has Defaqto's highest rating

15% Multi Pet discount

Cover your pets on one policy and get a guaranteed 15% discount per pet

Pet insurance that works for you

Free 24/7 PawSquad access

Speak to a qualified, UK-registered vet at any time for advice and treatment options

Save with Multi-Pet

Cover multiple pets and make savings with our 15% Multi-Pet discount

No extra fees

You’ll never pay for cancelling or changing your policy

Why insure your pets

Vet treatment is expensive and, usually, unplanned. Treatment can cost hundreds of pounds, and you want to make sure your pet gets the help they need as soon as possible.

Just like humans, medical care for animals is becoming more advanced and pricier, meaning most pet insurance payouts are for vet bills.

Pet insurance helps you stay prepared and access quality care if your furry family member ever needs help.

What type of cover is best for me?

Compare our two cover options.

Lifetime is our most comprehensive pet cover. Lifetime policies cover your pet/s for accidents and illnesses up to the policy limit you’ve chosen each year. At renewal, the limit resets.

It’s best if you want long-term cover.

Our Lifetime policy includes:

  • Up to £10,000 in vet fee cover
  • Up to £2,000,000 in third-party liability
  • Up to £2,000 in emergency holiday cover
  • Behavioural, dental and emergency kennel/cattery cover

Read more about Lifetime cover


Four levels of lifetime cover to choose from

We've made it easy for you to get the right cover for your pet. All come with access to PawSquad, our 24-hour vet helpline.

You can read the full list in the policy booklet.





Product Type





Veterinary Fees
(per year)





(Age 0-6)





(Age 6 and above)










CT/MRI scans and Associated Costs

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Dentistry as a direct result of an accident

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Cruciate Ligament

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Overseas Travel Extension
(30 day limit)

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Third Party liability
(Dogs only)





Complementary Medicine/treatments





Special Diet





Dentistry as a direct result of an illness


Death of pet by illness
(cover ceases after age 6+)





Death of pet by accident





Emergency Boarding Kennel/Cattery Fees





Holiday Cancellation Cover





Loss by Theft or Straying





Advertising and Reward





Third Party Accidental Damage


Vet Advice Line

Behavioural treatment


Farewell cover





Multi-pet Discount

Two levels of Time Limited cover

We offer two tiers of Time Limited cover. Both last for 12 months.

You can read the full list in the policy booklet.



Product Type

12 month

12 month

Veterinary Fees
(Per condition)



(Age 0-6)



(Age 6 and above)






CT/MRI scans and Associated Costs

Vet Fee Limit

Vet Fee Limit

Cruciate Ligament

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Dentistry as a direct result of an accident

Vet fee limit

Vet fee limit

Overseas Travel Extension
(30 day limit)

Vet Fee Limit

Vet Fee Limit

Third Party Liability
(Dogs only)



Complementary medicine/treatments



Special Diet



Dentistry as a direct result of an illness

Death of pet by illness
(cover ceases after age 6+)



Death of Pet by accident



Emergency Boarding Kennel/Cattery Fees



Holiday Cancellation Cover



Loss by Theft or Straying



Advertising and Reward



Vet Advice Line

Behavioural treatment

Farewell cover

