5 Star Travel Insurance from Admiral
5 Star rated Platinum level Travel Insurance
Our Platinum level cover has Defaqto's 5 Star rating.
Admiral's cruise upgrade must be added to your Admiral Travel Insurance policy if you want cover for cruise specific things like missed departures, unused excursions and cruise cabin confinement as these aren't covered by standard travel insurance. We won't cover any claims (including medical) against your cruise holiday without this cover in place.
By adding cruise cover, your Admiral Travel Insurance will cover you for all the holiday essentials such as lost luggage and medical expenses. Exclusions apply, so it’s essential to review the policy guide for more details.
We also cover:
Covers accommodation or travel expenses (up to the limit on your policy), if you miss your cruise departure due to public transport delays, accidents, breakdowns, strikes, or adverse weather.
Provides compensation (up to your policy limit), for each 24-hour period confined to your cabin by the ship’s medical officer for medical reasons, including declared pre-existing medical conditions.
Reimbursements (up to the policy limit) for missed pre-booked excursions due to cabin confinement because of medical reasons, covered under the emergency medical and repatriation section of the insurance.
Covers travel expenses (up to your policy limit) that are required to rejoin the ship if you need medical treatment on land and miss a part of the cruise.
If your cruise is cancelled for any of the reasons below, you'll receive up to £5,000, depending on the level of cover you choose, to cover the costs of your trip:
A pre-existing condition is a short or long term illness or injury you have or have had before you buy travel insurance. This includes having symptoms, tests, diagnosis or medical treatment for a condition.
You can declare your pre-existing conditions during the quote process to see if we can offer cover. If you’re unsure what needs to be declared or if you're unable to find your condition on the medical conditions list, please contact us on 0333 234 9913.
Your pre-existing conditions won’t be covered unless you’ve:
Policy terms and conditions apply. Please note, if you’ve been prescribed medication, received treatment, or had a consultation with a doctor or hospital specialist for any medical condition in the past two years, this needs to be declared on your policy.
If you don’t tell us about your pre-existing conditions or give us incorrect information, your policy may be invalid, and we may refuse all or part of any claim you submit.
If you require cover for more serious medical conditions, MoneyHelper may be able to help you find specialist travel insurance through their medical directory.
If you wish to get in touch with them you can call them on 0800 138 7777 or find them online. (Monday to Friday 8:00-18:00, closed on Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays.)