MultiCover Insurance

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Millions of Multi customers can't be wrong

5 Star Car Insurance from Admiral

5 Star rated comprehensive Car Insurance

Our comprehensive cover has Defaqto's highest 5 Star rating (except Essential tier which is 3 Stars).

What is multi cover insurance?

Admiral MultiCover's designed to cover your car, van and home on one discounted policy.

You can start with just one car, van or home, and any others you tell us about are added when they're due for renewal – each new addition earns its own discount.

It's a standard 12-month policy with the same renewal date.


Four reasons to choose Admiral MultiCover Insurance


One renewal date

You won't need to remember different dates, with MultiCover you have one renewal date for everything on your policy


12-month policy

You can add a vehicle or home at any point during the year-long policy, it’ll still renew on the same date as the first thing you added


Full year’s No Claims Bonus

Any car covered for more than three months gets a full year's No Claims Bonus.

Look after your policy online

Each policyholder has access to a customer portal so they can manage their own policy

MultiCover is crammed with features and benefits

Admiral MultiCover Insurance gives you the same benefits we offer with our Defaqto five Star rated car and van insurance and our flexible home insurance cover.

Comprehensive car & van insurance (excludes Essential tier)

Courtesy vehicle

Use of a courtesy vehicle while yours is being repaired at an Admiral-approved garage.

Windscreen repair

Policyholders get repairs and replacement of windscreens (excess applies)

European cover

Up to 90 days' cover in Europe so you can enjoy a driving holiday in France without having to arrange extra cover

Uninsured Driver Promise

We’ll repay your excess and your No Claims Bonus won’t be affected if you have an accident with an uninsured driver that isn’t your fault, as long as you have details about the other vehicle.

£5,000 Personal Injury Cover

Get £5,000 of personal injury cover for you and your spouse.

Brilliant home and landlord insurance

Three types of cover

Choose from Contents cover, Buildings cover or both (Combined cover)!

Flexible cover

Choose from three levels of cover to suit your needs

Unlimited Buildings cover

Eligibility criteria applies

Replacement locks & keys

Up to £1k cover depending on the level you choose

Theft from garages & outbuildings

Up to £5k depending on the cover you want (Gold and Platinum only)

Emergency helpline

We're there for you 24 hours a day

A video guide to MultiCover Insurance

Voted Best Car Insurance Provider nine years in a row