Adding a home is easy with MyAccount

Log in to MyAccount

You’ll find the link to MyAccount on this page.

Add details of your home

Give us some details about the property

Get a quote and confirm

If you’re happy with the quote, just confirm. Simple.

Flexible home insurance from Admiral

We know no one wants to spend ages at a computer answering loads of questions to get a home insurance quote, which is why we’ve made it quicker and easier for you to get your home covered.

Choose from three levels of cover - each with a range of different features. Select the most suitable cover for your needs online or over the phone with one of our friendly team.

Comparing our cover levels

Good to know

The table below shows the standard benefits and "up to" limits of each tier. You can customise these during a quote, and add optional cover like Accidental Damage.

Admiral Admiral
Unlimited buildings cover
24-hour helpline
Bicycle cover




Contents cover




Alternative accommodation (Contents)




Alternative accommodation (Buildings)




Trace and access




Personal Possessions cover Optional Optional


Accidental Damage (Contents and/or Buildings) Optional Optional
Home Emergency cover Optional
Home Emergency Extra cover Optional Optional
Family Legal Protection Optional Optional

For more information on what's covered read our policy book.

If you're an existing customer, please check MyAccount or your policy book to see your cover limits.